电 话:15521218222
传 真:020-81611369
邮 箱:wlclyj2008@163.com
地 址:广东省广州市荔湾区芳村葵蓬路149号15栋
胶囊抛光机是应用毛刷抛光加工原理,清除附着在胶囊药片表面的粉末,使表面洁净、光亮,是胶囊、片剂药品生产后处理工序的必备设备。 本机抛光输送过程为封闭结构,与药物接触的零部件采用耐腐蚀材料制造,而且易于拆装清洗,符合药品生产管理规范(GMP)实施指南对制药设备的要求。
The capsule polishing machine is applied to the principle of brush polishing, and removes the powder attached to the surface of the capsule, make the surface of is clean and bright, and it is an essential equipment for the post-production processing of capsules and tablets. The polishing process of the machine is a closed structure. The parts in contact with the drug are made of corrosion-resistant materials, are easy to disassemble and clean, and meet the requirements of the pharmaceutical production management regulations (GMP) implementation guidelines for pharmaceutical equipment.